Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week 1: A New Beginning

The first week of school has been a huge success. I am very impressed by your children! They are so smart!!!
A couple of updates:

  1. I will start sending spelling homework home on Monday. We will have a pretest on Thursday. If they get 100% they will not have to take the test on Friday. 
  2. I am starting some tutoring for those who need a little help in math. E-mail me personally if you feel your child could use the tutoring time. 
  3. Those of you who signed up to help in the classroom, I will call you shortly to let you know that we are finally ready for you. 
  4. No school next Monday for Labor Day!
Thank you for all of your support. I am truly amazed by the parent involvement at Thomas Edison. It makes a huge difference in your child's education. Thank you!!! 
Have a great week. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi - Thanks for keeping us up to date with this blog. We are looking for pictures of "Utah Nature" to print out, but my student can't remember the rest of the assignment (number of pictures, and so on). Would you tell us the requirements so that we can complete it?
